DISC Profiles

for Individuals and Teams

Develop Communication Skills & Improve Team Communication

“It was interesting reading things which I may not have immediately thought were ‘me’ but, when seeing them written down, are accurate.” - DISC Team Workshop delegate

What is a DISC Profile?

'DISC' is a method of psychometric profiling - similar to Insights or Myers Briggs (MBTI) - which enables individuals to become more self-aware about their motivations, behaviour, communication tendencies, strengths and areas of focus for development, using a DISC report.

DISC is an incredibly simple and effective tool for improving communication skills and understanding how to relate to those with different styles. Each individual who requests a DISC report will receive their personalised DISC profile within a comprehensive report - offering insight into their profile and tips on improving communication.

Our engaging DISC Team Workshops are very popular for supporting teams who have experienced communication breakdown or relationship challenges. Or, they can simply be an engaging activity which equips team members to understand each other more.

Manager debriefs are available to help line managers and organisations understand the dynamics and communication styles within their teams, and how to further improve the culture of the organisation and develop a positive working environment.

Why everyone would benefit from using DISC...

We all communicate in different ways.

Using DISC profiles as part of a team workshop, as part of a mediation or coaching, or on a one-to-one basis, helps individuals become more self-aware, develop their communication skills, and improve how they communicate within a team.

DISC profiles are a great tool for someone to understand how they come across and how to adapt their communication to improve interactions with others, both for personal and professional relationships. Improving communication skills leads to improved team communication, managing client relationships and self-development aimed at career progression.

Each individual will be invited to fill out a short questionnaire (which tends to take LESS than 20 minutes). Their answers will generate a clear and thorough 15-page report, providing them with insight into their communication style and behavioural traits. The DISC report also offers tips on improving communication with other profile types who either share of have different behavioural traits.

If you would like to purchase a DISC profile for yourself...

You have the option to purchase a stand-alone DISC profile report. You can read it through yourself, reflect on it and then use this new knowledge to better understand how to effectively communicate with others and to fully realise their strengths and communication style. 

OR... To get the greatest amount  of understanding and the application of DISC , you can choose the 'Assessment & Feedback' package. This involves our trained DISC practitioner, Emma Jenkings, delivering your generated report from your questionnaire results, during a one-to-one 45 minute conversation (over the phone or via videocall).

During this call you will receive personalised feedback on the information contained within the report and insight into how you could apply what you have discovered to your situation and relationships.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this DISC report and Emma’s services to anyone in need of a boost of confidence in themselves, as well as those who would like a more thorough look into who they are and how to be heard in a productive way by all types of people. - Stacey White - DISC profile & feedback

What is the process for ordering DISC profiles for individuals or a DISC Team Workshop?

1. Get in touch via the 'Contact' page or email enquiries@mosaicmediation.co.uk to request your assessment. 

2. The link to the questionnaire will be sent upon payment. Payment details will be made available upon order.

3. You or the individuals you have book on behalf of will complete and submit the questionnaire online, via a unique link which be provide. The personalised DISC report will then be generated.

4. If you order a 'stand-alone' DISC report, this will be sent directly to you or the relevant individual, once the answers have been received and the report generated. If you purchase the 'Assessment & Feedback' package or for a Team Workshop, the report will be provided at the Feedback session or Team Workshop (whichever has been purchased).

Click HERE for more details on DISC or the available options   - such as using DISC profiles with coaching, mediation, or as part of a team workshop.

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